Tuesday, April 7, 2009

for my love, TD <33333 :D

It's been so long since I last blogged. I've just been dealing with lots of things and making really stupid decisions and yeah...
I don't really want to talk too much about the bad, so let's discuss good things that are going on.
Track started, and I'm already feeling better about myself and feeling a bit healthier. Being active serves as a distraction from all the crap. I love doing sports. I love the ache after a good workout. I love the stiffness I feel for days afterward, because it serves as a reminder that I'm taking better care of myself. I've also recently decided that I'm going to start doing yoga. And I have my best friend to support me. Miss Tori Dorr and I are going to become yoga junkies and go for walks and runs and just help each other be better. Without the support of my lovely loverr, I don't know if I'd be able to do this. But we've got each other's backs, and I know I can do anything with her there to tell me I can :)
I can't wait for summer. I want this school year to end. I want to spend time with my bestie at the beach. I want to chill with my awesome friends. I want to work at BullMoose. I just can't wait. This summer is going to be great, I can feel it. I'm just going to relax with my friends, and be happy.
I'm really anxious for Junior year to start. I have an amazing schedule, full of classes I'm really excited to take. I'm taking IB Music with Murrdog, which will be fantastic. Two years of a class devoted to understanding music and finding global connections through music? Sounds like the class for me. I also made it into Newspaper [aoifjd YAY !] and Wind Ensemble. I was really excited about Newspaper, but I legit could not stop smiling when I found out I was in Wind Ensemble. I'm still so happy. I've been working so hard on getting better and to have that work recognized is a great feeling. I'm also taking IB Bio HL with one of my all-time favorite teachers, Mr. Black. And Photo 2 ! So excited. I'm going to be insanely busy, but it's all good. I'm going to pull myself together this summer and develop a gameplan of sorts, so I can really tackle next year.
I've been reading a LOT lately. I finished the 6th Harry Potter, and a book called Weetzy Bat [fantastic, read it, NOW] and I'm on to the next in that series. I've also been reading Memoirs of a Geisha, Brideshead Revisited, and A Clockwork Orange. I like boooooks :D haha books make me so happy. I love sitting in the shower [yes, shower, trust me there's a system] for a loooooooong time and reading. I believe the amount of reading I do is what has made me a better writer. Because of the variety of books I read, I've seen different voices [if you will], and I've been able to develop my own.
Anywho. IT'S THE LAST QUARTER ! Just a few more weeks and then FREEEEDOM ! Well, freedom as in a few weeks of warm weather, filled with work and summer homework, and possibly socializing, if I can squeeze it in. I'm really done with this year. I'm just giving up. I mean, I'm trying to pull the last bit of energy I have together and force it into my schoolwork but...gah. No moreeee !

Well, I'm off to bed. I'm giving up on the 4-6 pages of a research paper I'm supposed to be writing for tomorrow :D It's too ridiculous for right now, and I'd really like some sleep. So nighty night.

1 comment:

Jelinface said...

I would like to learn about this shower reading system haha