Saturday, December 13, 2008

blehh another crap weekend.

Welcome to Maine.
Let us greet you with a massive ice storm and state wide power outtages !
So yeah, lost power around 12 am Friday morning. Didn't get it back until sometime this morning [Saturday]. Stayed at my grandparent's house, but they're in Florida so I didn't go completely insane. I love my grandparent's to pieces, but I'm not sure I could have handled all the fondling and loving stuff at that time.
Came back today and my house was FREEZINGG. So to warm up, I straightened my hair?? haha it was actually I good idea, my head was nice and toasty after :)
I have an INSANE amount of homework. I have 2 tests to study for, a paper to write, a passage to annotate, and I need to start making preparations for Christmas/my trip to Japan. I'm really, really excited about going to Japan, but I'm going to miss all of my friends and my boyfrann sooo much. This is a really great opportunity though, and I feel so blessed that I can go to Japan basically any time I want. I could move there if I wanted to. And, honestly, I've been considering it. I mean, I won't, I want to finish high school here and graduate with my friends, but there are times where I just want to get out of this town.
Anywho, back to life. Uhm..oh, first band concert of the year is Wednesdayy :) woo ! Okay, I know the stigma that comes with being in band and, frankly, I don't care. I am proud to say I'm in band, I LOVE being in band. It's my favorite class [ of them]. I always have sooo much fun. Everyone seems to groan about having to play but, I don't know why, I just love being in that room, playing my clarinet :) It makes me really happy. I always leave that class humming one of the pieces we're working on. Sometimes, my fellow bandmates who also enjoy playing will hum along with me and we make our own little band ahaha.
HA oh jeez, at lunch on Wednesday, one of my best friends James was just like "GUYS ! Let's sing a chord !" so he started singing a note, and I sang the next note, and I'm pretty sure my other friend Zac joined in, but James and I definitely held on longer than he did. aha yeah, we just sat in the middle of Gym C, singing a chord. Because that's what we do, random shit like that. Then James proceeded to push me over into a table of guys, haha I love him.
Ooh lordy, I have soo much to talk about. But I'm tireddd so I'm going to bed.
Good night loves :)

1 comment:

Jelinface said...

2 fun facts

1.) i used to be in band! but i didn't like the clarinet so I stopped this year. i wish i could still be in it, but with a different instrument, like trumpet.

2.) Thats funny that James does that, because i do stuff like that all the time. just randomly be like "LETS SING A CHORD" and attempt to do one