Wednesday, December 3, 2008

first blog ! WOOO !

So yeah, first blog.
In my whole existence.
This is a pretty special moment. I'd like to just let this sink in for a second.....
.....okay, I'm good. was latestart for us Kennecrunkers. School doesn't start until 9 on latestart, but I being the incredibly COOL kid I am wanted to go to school at like..7:20. So I got there thinking some of my friends might be there..they weren't. Except James, so I sat around with him talking about Christmas movies and how much his mom hates me, even though she's never met me :) I love James, we've had some laughs haha.
OH. This morning I downed like 5 cups of coffee right? Yeah, didn't think it was going to be a problem. I get to band, everything's going fine and then all of a sudden WHAM. I'm WAYYY lightheaded, like dizzy beyond belief, my breathing is completely messed up, I'm shaking all over and...okay the only way I can describe it is, it felt like I was made of bumble-bees. Not even kidding, that's the first thing I thought of. It was AWESOME. I had the best day because of it.
But as awesome as today was, this week has been complete shit for the most part. I have a "friend" that just blew something completely out of proportion and is now going around telling people all these things they don't need to know, getting them involved in things that aren't their business. And, he completely disrespected me over IM. I was shocked at how he was talking to me, and so were my other friends. [Yes, I was cool enough to print out the conversation and show people. I needed support...] So that's been upsetting me for the past few days, but today I decided I'm really not going to let it bother me anymore. He can be completely immature if he wants, I don't really care. He called today and apologized, but the damage is done, I can't think of him as the friend he was or give him the respect I once had for him.

Uh..yeah, that's about all I have for today.
Good night :)

I'll make this prettier when I'm actually awake and fully aware of what's going on :)

1 comment:

Jelinface said...

aw hunny its gun be ok, you just keep yaself outa that drama and you'z gonna be fine