Sunday, December 7, 2008

It's snowing? Well, duhh welcome to Maine.

It snowed today ! I was so exciteddd. And then it stopped, and the gods laughed in my face and made me cry....not really, but that's what it felt like.
So that whole "coffee high" thing happened AGAIN on Friday. It wasn't as awesome as the first time, but it was still pretty schweet. Brooke and Stinson kept giving me these weird looks, and Stinson kept telling me to breathe in and out, so just to spite him I would breathe in and then hold it...and keep holding it...until I got nice and lightheaded and then I'd breathe out. Coffee highs make everything much more enjoyable...until the crash. Everything just goes...bad. The thing is, I start crashing and I'm like shit shit shit and then it just picks up again. Then I don't crash again, but slowly fade, so it's not as bad.
My mother has recently decided to make known the hate she has apparently felt for me since my conception. Since I'm not getting straight effing As, she gave me a little talk about the choices I have to make in life. And also told me that my already virtually nonexistant social life will be further limited. Yeah, all this for me while my sister, who might I add is currently failing a class [or two, I don't know] is allowed to do whatever the hell she wants to do. WHAT THE RAGING DOUCHEMACHINE BATMAN??!! I try to talk to mommy dearest about this, but she gets pissy and I'm like hooookay, never mind and run off to my room. People don't understand why I like being at school so much, but it's because I'm not looked in a tiny room for hours. [Well..I guess I am, but I'm with friends then]. Honestly, I get home and the second I'm in, I'm on my way to my room, closing [or rather sliding] the door behind me. Many times, I try to be social and sit out in the kitchen with the rest of my family, but my sister always finds ways to make me want to strangle her, so I figure it's safest if I just stay in my room. It does get really lonely though. And my sister is on the phone for hours at night, so the only time I get to call my boyfriend is like after 9, which doesn't work for my mother who yells at me to get off the phone.
OH did I mention she has limited my phone time to half an hour? Yeah. She did.
Guess how long my sister gets to be on the phone. Just guess. No guesses?
HOURS. She can stay on for as longgg as she very well pleases. Once again, she's the one failing in school, I'm not. I'm challenging myself and working hard, she's just coasting through. She comes home and plants herself in the living room on the couch, turns on the tv, grabs something to eat, and calls her friends. Or she's doing something with basketball. Whyy in the world would she be allowed to play a sport if she can't keep up with her schoolwork? WHY GODDAMNIT?! I don't understand ! I was never allowed to do sports in middle school because my mom was worried it would affect my school work. My sister on the other hand is allowed to do sports in middle school and she is FAILING. F-A-I-L-I-N-G FAILING. I'm sure she wouldn't even know how to spell failing. She's an IDIOT. No common sense what so ever. GRAWR she angers me to no end. We really don't get along. It's quite sad actually.
WOAH I've been ranting. More story time later about my totally disfunctional family and coffee adventures kids :)

1 comment:

Jelinface said...

you're blog is angsty teen rantalicious