Monday, February 16, 2009

and I find it kind of funny, I find it kind of sad, the dreams in which I'm dying are the best I've ever had

So, I just finished watching Donnie Darko.
I can't really put into words how much I love that movie. If you were physically talking to me about it, I'd probably be making a lot of crazy hand/arm motions and spluttering, unable to find an adequate description of my love for that piece of cinematic genius [cinematic genius is a pretty good start though...Jesus, I'm brilliant :)]. If you have not seen that movie, watch it. And then watch it again..and again..and again. If I could, I'd have it on a constant loop. That film really makes you think about life and God and...gah just stuff. At least, it makes me think about life and God and..stuff. I love movies that can make you think like that. A movie that makes you reconsider who you are and what the EFF is going on is the movie for me.

One scene that makes me laugh for at least a solid five minutes is when Donnie, his parents, and Kitty Farmer are in the Principle's office and Kitty says, "I'll tell you what he said! He asked me to forcibly insert the lifeline exercise card into my anus!" ahahaha oh jeeeesus.

No, but seriously. Amazing movie. I wish I were creative enough or deep enough [or fucked up enough?] to write something like this. Who the hell thinks of liquid-like "spears" that come from your chest, signifying your set path in life? WHO DAMN IT???? I don't. Because I suck.
I love the ending, just after Gretchen's been run over and Donnie shoots Frank. Everything seems to be falling apart, his whole life crumbling before him, but it's also a time of intense clarity. Everything finally clicks. It kind of connects to the idea of in our darkest moments is when we finally see that light [or some other philosophical crap]. I don't know if that connection makes sense to anybody else, but it made sense to me so fuck it.

And when Donnie is talking about how his dog crawled under the porch when it was dying. Dr. Thurman says it was to die, but Donnie says it was to be alone, almost as if he's correcting her. I think about that scene a lot. I mean, I think about almost every scene a lot, but that is one that really stands out in my mind. I want to figure out why it seems like Donnie was correcting Dr. Thurman....anywho.

I FUCKING ADORE JAKE GYLLENHAAL. I don't care if anybody agrees with me, or if anybody thinks I'm psychotic or anything for thinking this, but that man is like sex on a stick. He is like the embodiment of the most intense orgasm EVER. Gurrrlllll he is so fiiiiiiiine. I just want to lick him. GOD DAMN GRETCHEN [played by the wonderful Jena Malone who is fantastic in Pride & Prejudice, might I add] GETS TO MAKE OUT WITH HIM. ajsdofjasoidfj holy unfairness Batman. Mr. Gyllenhaal is an amazing actor. He is so dark, and soooo brooding in Donnie Darko. He is fantastic. Like in the scene where he's telling Dr. Thurman about how he burned down Jim Cunningham's house. Seriously, I...I don't even know *cue crazy hand/arm motions and spluttering* He just...GAH it's just so good. The way he portrays this youth with this huge weight on his shoulders is fabulous. The contrast between the apparent mental decay yet slow realization of truth in Donnie wouldn't have been played as well by anybody else. Jake Gyllenhaal is simply...crazy. He's crazy good. And I'm going to marry him. I'm gonna become a Mormon and move to Utah so I can marry Jake Gyllenhaal, Craigery Owens, and Gerard Way [among others :)]

But in all seriousness, watch the goddamn movie.

Oh, and I'm getting 2864212 tattooed on me somewhere...someday :D

OH and the soundtrack PWNS. I really want it..and the movie, so I can watch it whenevahz I vantz [hmm gift idea?] But yeah, the soundtrack. The song that plays with the ending credits...I don't know what it's called, but JESUS CHRIST is it gorgeous. I could listen to it for hours.

Just everything about that effing movie makes me cream my jeeeeeeans. hahaha...oh god...

Except Drew Drew....why'd you have to grow up? You were just so cute in E.T., I just wanna pinch your cheeks and give you a cookie. Charlie's Angels, yeah, you provide some laughs. Never Been Kissed? I really like that movie, a lot. Donnie Darko....hmm...well...I'd say broody and deep isn't really your thing, is it? Love ya Drew but, uh...never again? Thanks.

HA it's almost 3 a.m., my eyeballs feel like they're going to fall out, and I could really use some sleep...but I kind of want to watch another movie....or blog some more...or read a book...or learn how to fly a plane...HEY speaking of, how trippy would it be to have a jet engine fall through your room? Sometimes, when planes fly over my house [which is pretty frequent since I live nearish to an airport], I worry that they're going to like crash into my house or near my house. If it crashes into a house in my neighborhood but doesn't directly affect me, then I couldn't give two shits. But if it like burns down my house or kills one of my friends or something...then that kind of sucks...a lot. Especially if it killed my cats...that would really blows...hard.

WOAH total tangent. Alright...well..I have lots of thoughts, and I could keep this going for a loooooong time, but I won't :)

Nighty night, sleep tight, don't let the giant bunny rabbits bite ^_^


Jelinface said...

i've never seen that, but now i want too. they're making a sequel you know? I doubt it will be as good though

Kenzie Katastrophe said...

Yeah I'm not looking forward to the sequel. I'm afraid it will make me just hate the movie and never want to see it know how sequels can do that? They just create this stigma sometimes

loafersinceninetynine said...

Kenz. This is possibly my favorite blog post ever. In the whole world. I am in love with that movie, and I believe I revealed, to you, a while ago my hopes of getting the same tattoo. Props on your tangent of critcal matters. Sometime, we're gonna have a Donnie Darko day and just watch the movie a bunch of times because it's that incredible.

p.s. Sequels typically suck ass.